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I'm back (11/18/08)

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I'm back (11/18/08) Empty I'm back (11/18/08)

Post by Jiggamil Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:21 am

Okay yeah, so I'm back. Yay, right?
Well this is the news for today. No? I'll make it short.

Okay so for 12/10/08 to today my place (All of Massachusetts) was in a state of emergency.
Why? well after the nice rain/sleet storm, everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) was covered in a 2 inch layer of ice.
After the storm all of Massachussetts was left without power.
No power means no heat, no way to cook food, no light.
Luckily we went food shopping the day before it happened, so we had plenty of food.
And my mom had plenty of candles for this type of situation.
So we were fine with food and light, the major issue was heat, and keeping the spoilable food from spoiling.
Of course someone like me, if I have no internet for entertainment I lose it.
So instead I've been outside with my friends going around town.
We went all over the place looking at all the damage that was done, telephone poles in the middle of the road, dark streets, etc.
Well as we were going around town, we cut through the train tracks, and we panicked cause we heard the train coming, and also the police were chasing us..
After that, not much happened than trying to survive this terrible disaster.

That's it for today.
This may also be my last time doing this, unless you want me to continue.
Also, yay for being back =]

Number of posts : 100
Age : 29
Location : In the ghetto, Gardner
Points :
I'm back (11/18/08) Left_bar_bleue50 / 10050 / 100I'm back (11/18/08) Right_bar_bleue

Mood : I'm back (11/18/08) Md4lz2
Registration date : 2008-11-25


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I'm back (11/18/08) Empty Re: I'm back (11/18/08)

Post by Ben Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:37 pm

Welcome back and don't stop writing the Jigga news. Your life seems actually interesting compared to mine.
KarmaMS GM
KarmaMS GM

Number of posts : 85
Age : 29
Location : Tennessee
Points :
I'm back (11/18/08) Left_bar_bleue100 / 100100 / 100I'm back (11/18/08) Right_bar_bleue

Awards : I'm back (11/18/08) Kind_c10
Mood : I'm back (11/18/08) Md4lz2
Registration date : 2008-11-07

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I'm back (11/18/08) Empty Re: I'm back (11/18/08)

Post by robo Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:02 pm

lol, i like ur uptates too. Do u mean ALL as every single place had ice covered with it?
Mid Poster
Mid Poster

Number of posts : 28
Age : 28
Location : EVERYWHERE! in your tv,cpu,light bulbs,phones.......ect. >:D
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I'm back (11/18/08) Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100I'm back (11/18/08) Right_bar_bleue

Mood : I'm back (11/18/08) Md2un7
Registration date : 2008-11-24

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I'm back (11/18/08) Empty Re: I'm back (11/18/08)

Post by Washington Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:11 pm

Wait, why were the police chasing you?
Chat Box Moderator
Chat Box Moderator

Number of posts : 54
Location : You don't know where you are until you get there.
Points :
I'm back (11/18/08) Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100I'm back (11/18/08) Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-12-06

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I'm back (11/18/08) Empty Re: I'm back (11/18/08)

Post by Jiggamil Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:02 pm

If my life is interesting now, I usually do a lot of other stuff when I'm ungrounded
Well pretty much, all of the west mass was covered in ice, and power lines were down all over town.
We were on restricted property and the train tracks "causing trouble"

And I guess I wont stop writing these if you guys like them, but I will be doing one tomorrow, but not sat and sun.
I'll be doing them mon-friday, unless I get access to the comp at my dads.

EDIT: Oops I noticed I put 11 instead of 12 for the date, lol.

Number of posts : 100
Age : 29
Location : In the ghetto, Gardner
Points :
I'm back (11/18/08) Left_bar_bleue50 / 10050 / 100I'm back (11/18/08) Right_bar_bleue

Mood : I'm back (11/18/08) Md4lz2
Registration date : 2008-11-25


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