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Jigga News, 12/11/08 Empty Jigga News, 12/11/08

Post by Jiggamil Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:05 pm

Okay it's time again for Jigga News..

I know I missed yesterday but I have something today that would make up for that, so just read and enjoy/despise/etc.

Okay so today was a pretty slow day, and the time now.. 6:30 p.m.
I've been home for no longer than 45 minutes, and here is the reason.
I was hanging with my gf to be and some other friends down in the woods near the school. I stayed with them and directly ignored my mothers orders of come straight home after school, because I hate that rule.
And I had known that my gf to be was planning to run away, and I was secretly against the idea. Not only is it freezing there is ice everywhere from freezing rain, so yeah I waited until when we were staying in one of her friends house when her mothers boyfriend came and told her that the police were looking for her, and anyone who was found harboring her were going to get arrested.
After that I decided to convince her to just go back home before something happens, she refused to go back home, so I told myself I wasn't going to leave her out there especially in the terrible weather we've been having.
So she hid down in the woods after spotting a cop car nearby, and I went to a friends house to use the phone to call my mom.
After speaking with her, she had called a cab to pick both of us up, and bring her back home.
So I went back down into the woods to get her, and went back to my friends house to use the phone again, but was rejected and told that if I was caught talking to him again, me and her would be reported to the police.
We waiting for the cab to get there, and when we were no closer than down the street a cop pulls him over, and takes us to the police station.
As I was being pulled out of the car by the officer I was called a dip shit..I believe I was called that because of being with her, so they probably suspected I was helping her run away, and with that in mind I kept my cool.
We went down to the police station, got questioned, picture taken, the usual runaway thing.
After a while I convinced them that I was trying to get her to go back home, so no damage done to me, but to her..
I'm worried about what will happen..And I can't help but feel bad for getting her caught by the police..
Well after explaining the missing detail of the happenings of today to my mom, here I am.
(School contacted her and told her that I was seen with her sometime after school)
So yeah, that's it for today.. And as you could probably guess, I'm not exactly in the best mood.

Quote of the Day: "Definition of Love - Knowing they'll break your heart, but trusting them not to."

Number of posts : 100
Age : 29
Location : In the ghetto, Gardner
Points :
Jigga News, 12/11/08 Left_bar_bleue50 / 10050 / 100Jigga News, 12/11/08 Right_bar_bleue

Mood : Jigga News, 12/11/08 Md4lz2
Registration date : 2008-11-25


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Jigga News, 12/11/08 Empty Re: Jigga News, 12/11/08

Post by Ben Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:06 pm

First time caught by the cops? It's not as bad the second time.
KarmaMS GM
KarmaMS GM

Number of posts : 85
Age : 29
Location : Tennessee
Points :
Jigga News, 12/11/08 Left_bar_bleue100 / 100100 / 100Jigga News, 12/11/08 Right_bar_bleue

Awards : Jigga News, 12/11/08 Kind_c10
Mood : Jigga News, 12/11/08 Md4lz2
Registration date : 2008-11-07

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Jigga News, 12/11/08 Empty Re: Jigga News, 12/11/08

Post by Mario213 Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:28 pm

Bummer i almost got arrested Razz but i was to fast for that chubby old cop to catch me Razz.(don't you just LOVE doing firecrackers in 3AM? Razz Very Happy)

Lol Jigga your like my GF and i'm like your GF i get in troubles and my GF try to get me out of them. Razz
KarmaMS Owner
KarmaMS Owner

Number of posts : 316
Age : 29
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Jigga News, 12/11/08 Left_bar_bleue999 / 100999 / 100Jigga News, 12/11/08 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-11-07


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Jigga News, 12/11/08 Empty Re: Jigga News, 12/11/08

Post by exiled Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:51 am

nice one mario man

Number of posts : 115
Age : 28
Location : Y do you need to know?
Points :
Jigga News, 12/11/08 Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Jigga News, 12/11/08 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-11-07


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